The Creator (post – off)

Myth describe state of consciousness. Nobody knows where myth begins or ends. In any case, a myth is a version of the truth, and in this sense it is the material of art. You don’t understand art until you understand that in an art 1 + 1 can be any number except 2. It is also not known whether the creator creates a myth or does the myth allow the creator to exist? In any case, the most important event for the artist is the birth and death of God. Faith is beyond the reach of the law.

The Initiation (post-off)

INITIATION means moving from one stage of life to the next, related to gaining new experiences. The initiation process can be complicated and opens the way for the adept to follow in order to find himself in the new reality. Before doing so, however, he should consider what he is asking for, because making his dreams come true may turn out to be a torment. The movie INITIATION can be watched many times, each time choosing a different hero and observing another individual story of going through the initiation process.

Mysteries of the World of Worlds

Józef Chełmowski, one of Poland’s foremost non-professional artists, who died in 2013, did not leave the admirers of his art and talent completely alone. His works remain both in museum and private collections. His paintings, sculptures, books and shrines are scattered throughout the world and are found on every continent, perhaps with the exception of Antarctica although even that is not certain. It is also not clear what decided that one day, exactly halfway through his life, just as he was approaching forty, he decided to take hold of a chisel and paintbrush to create sculptures and paintings and recount the world as he saw it. Everyone who knew Józef Chełmowski has his or her own story about him and each story reveals that Józef Chełmowski influenced others through his art and extraordinary personality. His characteristic sayings and punchlines have entered history and those who knew him have retained them in their memories. In this way each person protects memories of their own narrative about the artist. Each person has remembered him differently and all these apparently separate accounts and memories arrange themselves into one great story about Józef Chełmowski and his life’s work. What do they talk about ? About his adventures and spiritual journeys through worlds and universes which he discovered in his imagination. He painted, sculpted and wrote about them to share them with his audience.

Forgotten Neighbours – A History Lesson

It is a story about the past of Kartuzy, a small Kashubian town, which several dozen years ago was formed by four ethnic groups – Poles, Kashubians, Germans and Jews. Everything has changed since World War II. Today, everyone speaks Polish and – although they have surnames that could indicate different origins – they consider themselves as Poles and Polish Kashubians.
The teacher of the local high school along with his students, as part of history lessons, takes actions to bring the youngest generation of Kartuzy residents to the past of the town in which they grow up and live. The past, it turns out, is at your fingertips. It doesn’t take much to touch the fate of the former inhabitants. It turns out that it is enough to ask grandparents, neighbors, and rummage in libraries to reconstruct the old life of the communities that contributed to the pre-war reality of Kartuzy.
One of the nations – Jewish – has only a few memories of its former inhabitants, stories that are passed on in families, from generation to generation, and… two old postcards. Following the footsteps of these few testimonies, students manage to find witnesses of dramatic events in the past. They discover the difficult past of the place where they live now.
Such a film could be made in any place in the World. We meet places with a forgotten past almost everywhere. And each of them deserves to be discovered. Kartuzy with its history is just an example.

2005 Nights and Days

“2005 Nights and Days” is a documentary film telling a touching story which took place in Kashubia during World War II. Not only is it the story of a love which knew no boundaries at a time when fundamental values had collapsed. It is a film about overcoming fear and human frailty in the name of the highest value – the saving of another life.

The story of Marta Kos and Mendel Maks Strom is told by Albin Miłosz, the last eyewitness to the events presented in the film and a friend of both protagonists.

2005 – that many nights and days – from the 11th of September 1939 to the 8th of March 1945, Mendel Maks Strom hid in tunnels excavated beneath the home of Marta Kos in Kiełpino. According to information available by the end of the film Maks Strom remained in hiding longer than any other Polish Jew during World War II.

Wieś sprawiedliwych. Świadkowie

Film opowiada o nieznanym epizodzie z czasów II Wojny Światowej – pomocy, jakiej maszerującym więźniom obozu koncentracyjnego KL Stutthof, prowadzonym przez hitlerowców w tzw. Marszu Śmierci – udzielili mieszkańcy kaszubskiej wsi Pomieczyno. W nocy z 1 na 2 lutego 1945 roku z kościoła, do którego zapędzono więźniów, dzięki pomocy miejscowych, uciekło kilkadziesiąt osób. Następnie część uciekinierów była ukrywana w okolicznych gospodarstwach, aż do wkroczenia Armii Radzieckiej. Film odsłania mało znaną dotychczas bohaterską kartę Kaszubów, którzy podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej ratowali Polaków i osoby wielu innych narodowości, w tym Żydów z narażeniem życia.

Scynanié kani

Tytuł filmu to nazwa obrzędu kaszubskiego, znanego od wielu lat w różnych regionach Kaszub. W filmie znalazły się gawędy ludzi kultury i etnografów, pracowników muzeów pomorskich, a także twórców kaszubskich, którzy wykorzystali zwyczaj ścinania kani na Kaszubach do swoich działań artystycznych. Film przedstawia szerokie spectrum działań mieszkańców Kaszub w pielęgnowaniu tej długiej tradycji.

Czar dawnych Kaszub

Kaszuby, jakich już nie ma. Przetrwały jedynie w pamięci dawnych mieszkańców, na archiwalnych zdjęciach i w… skansenach. Film przenosi widza w magiczny świat dawnych Kaszub, które istniały kilkadziesiąt, a nawet ponad sto lat temu…

Grassowanie Langführ

Film Andrzeja Dudzińskiego to intymna wycieczka po starym Wrzeszczu Günthera Grassa, miejscu jego urodzenia, dzieciństwa i dojrzewania, ale przede wszystkim miejscu akcji jego najsłynniejszych powieści. W filmie pokazano nie tylko kamienicę, gdzie urodził się noblista, ale dom w którym dorastał i gdzie umieścił akcję „Blaszanego bębenka”, podwórka na których bawił się jako dziecko, a także szkoły, w których pobierał naukę. Czytaj dalej „Grassowanie Langführ”


Powrót do miejsc zapomnianych, powrót do dzieciństwa. Rekwizytami skłaniającymi do refleksji są zabawki i maskotki sprzed wielu lat, które towarzyszyły nam podczas dzieciństwa. Teraz to one są bohaterami, one opowiadają swoje historie, na które składają się nie tylko losy poszczególnych właścicieli, ale także okoliczności, które towarzyszyły ich „przysposobieniu” i „zadomowieniu”.

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